Education Loans


  1. US Citizen, U.S Permanent Resident(green card holder) or asylum applicant.
  2. US Jamaat member in good standing.
  3. Student must qualify for financial need.
  4. Student must understand that this is a loan, and it is the last dollar they need to get through the year
    after having exhausted other sources.
  5. Students must be high school graduate OR college/university/community college student enrolled in fulltime or part time classes.
  6. Online college degrees and associate degrees are also eligible.
  7. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. 
  8. US jamaat members studying abroad MAY qualify, if they are abroad for sole purpose of education and have intent to return to US.


  1. International students on F-1 visa or other visas who are in the USA primarily for education.
  2. High school students who are not expected to start college in the fall semester.
  3. Students with disciplinary action against them by Jamaat.
  4. Families or members where the Jamaat President recommends against the applicant.
  5. Vocational courses, certification exams, USMLE and licensure
  6. Students who cannot provide acceptable documentation showing their enrollment.


Each applicant must submit following documents:

  1. Copy of most recent official transcript from the most recent institution (high school, college, or university)
  2. Proof of enrollment in the fall semester.
                 – This could be in the form of a transcript showing enrollment in the fall semester, or online proof of enrollment from the university website.
  3. Copy of the statement from educational institution or FAFSA that shows the tuition expense, the loans and grants awarded to the student, if requested
  4. Signed and notarized copy of loan declaration form.
                 – Note: This is requested after the loan amount has been approved and student has been informed
  5. 500 to 1000 words essay to show why student qualifies for the loan.


Question: Is there any interest on this loan?
Answer: No. This is an interest free loan to help members of the jamaat achieve their maximum potential.

Question: If I receive other loans, will I qualify for a Jamaat loan?
Answer: Yes. You may still qualify for a jamaat loan, if other loans have a higher interest rate.

Question: Do I need to return the money received?
Answer: Yes. It’s a loan and it is your Islamic and legal responsibility to return this loan.

Question: When does this loan become due?
Answer: Loan becomes due immediately after the start of your first job.

Question: Can I pay all other loans before paying this loan?
Answer: No. Loan payment for this should also start immediately after the start of the first job.

Question: Will I get the requested amount?
Answer: Maybe. It depends on the need and number of students applying. We have a limited budget and we’ll utilize the whole budget dedicated for loans.

Question: How long will it take to find out if I’m approved?
Answer: We’ll take about 30 days to make the decision and email you with our decision and checks will be mailed within 30 days from the decision.

Question: Can the loan check be mailed to me before I pay for my fall semester?
Answer: Since every college has different due dates for fall semester/quarter, we’ll mail this out at our earliest possible; however, if it is delayed, this loan can be used for the second quarter/ semester.

Question: Who do I contact for the status of my loan?
Answer: If you do not hear from us in 30 days after the application submission deadline, you can send an email to for any questions/concerns you may have.



Open application portal




Close application portal




Collect President’s feedback



Decisions emailed to applicants




Checks Issued by Accounting (Muhasib)



For inquiries please contact us

Before applying, please review the short training videos for portal login registration and the Talent Award application.